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Positive Health Psychology

MA in Positive Health Psychology

Positive Health Psychology integrates your core professional education in psychology with a focus on this dynamic and growing field, which explores human well-being and the factors that contribute to it.

Positive Health Psychology investigates people who are physically and mentally healthy despite the presence of otherwise harmful physical, social, or environmental conditions. Offered jointly by the School of Community & Global Health and the Division of Behavioral & Organizational Sciences, this unique master’s program in positive health psychology explores the relationship of optimism and physical health, positive health behaviors, and the role social support and relationships play in maximizing health and well-being. You’ll gain a unique combination of insights applicable to a wide range of professional options, including managed care, mental health, and such federal agencies as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Program Highlights
  • Positive psychologists who are also competent in epidemiological and public health principles are well positioned for careers at managed care organizations, mental health departments, and federal agencies.
  • The proximity to local health departments in Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Riverside counties provides many employment and educational opportunities for students.
  • All students in the Division of Behavioral & Organizational Sciences who request financial aid receive some amount. DBOS also regularly hires students for paid teaching assistantships.

Program At-a-glance

  • 48 units

    required units

  • MA in Positive Health Psychology

    degree awarded

  • In Person


  • Spring, Fall

    program start

  • 2 years | full time*

    estimated completion time

Request info Apply now

Regina Burch

Assistant Director of Admissions


Regina Wang Lee

Director of Recruitment for the School of Community & Global Health


Where You Can Find Our Alumni


  • Portrait of Darleen Peterson

    Darleen V. Peterson

    Professor of Practice, Community and Global Health
    Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
    Director of the Certificate and Master of Public Health (MPH) programs

    Research Interests

    Evaluation of Health Communication Campaigns, Effects of Pro- and Anti-Tobacco and Alcohol Marketing; Public Health Education Accreditation

  • Jason Siegel

    Jason T. Siegel

    Professor of Psychology

    Research Interests

    Social Psychology, Health Psychology, Persuasion, Survey Research

  • Eusebio Alvaro

    Eusebio Alvaro

    Full Research Professor

    Research Interests

    Social Influence Processes, Health Promotion, Disease Prevention & Medicine

  • Portrait of Tiffany Berry

    Tiffany Berry

    Dean, School of Social Science, Policy & Evaluation
    Full Research Professor

    Research Interests

    Educational Program Evaluation, K–12 Educational Curricula, Comprehensive School Reform

  • Portrait of Michelle Bligh

    Michelle Bligh

    Executive Vice President & Provost
    Professor of Organizational Behavior

    Research Interests

    Leadership, Organizational Culture, Charismatic Leadership

  • William Crano Portrait

    William Crano

    Stuart Oskamp Chair of Psychology

    Research Interests

    Social Influence, Effects of persuasive information on drug addiction and HIV/AIDS, Minority and majority relationships to health information

  • Stewart Donaldson

    Stewart I. Donaldson

    Distinguished University Professor
    Executive Director, Claremont Evaluation Center
    Executive Director, The Evaluators' Institute (TEI)

    Research Interests

    Positive Organizational Psychology, Health/Well-Being & Positive Functioning Across Cultures, Program Design & Re-Design, Culturally Responsive Theory-Driven Measurement & Evaluation

  • Portrait of Michael Hogg

    Michael Hogg

    Professor of Social Psychology

    Research Interests

    Self and Social Identity; Intergroup Relations and Group Processes; Influence and Leadership; Uncertainty, Radicalization and Extremism

  • Portrait of JEanne Nakamura

    Jeanne Nakamura

    Associate Professor
    Director, Quality of Life Research Center

    Research Interests

    Engagement, Mentoring, Positive Aging

  • Portrait of Kathy Pezdek

    Kathy Pezdek

    Professor of Psychology

    Research Interests

    Memory & Comprehension, Eyewitness Memory, Autobiographical Memory


Health Core Courses (24 units)
Epidemiology (4 units)
Grant Writing & Proposal Development (4 units)
Foundations in Program Planning (4 units)
Foundations in Global Health (4 units)
Research Methods (4 units)
Theoretical Foundations of Health Promotion & Education (4 units)

Positive Psychology Core Courses (12 units)
Foundations of Positive Psychology (4 units)
Advanced Topics in Positive Psychology (4 units)
Positive Health Psychology (4 units)

Applied Research Methodology Courses (12 units)
Foundations of Evaluation (4 units)
Intermediate Statistics (2 units)
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) (2 units)
Applied Multiple Regression (2 units)
Categorical Data Analysis (2 units)

In the Field Opportunities

Under the supervision of professionals with expertise in your particular areas of interest, you can participate in fieldwork, research, and paid internships at a range of corporations and organizations, including:

  • Southern California Edison Company
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • Orange County Rapid Transit District
  • Riverside County Department of Mental Health
  • Claremont Evaluation Center
  • Institute for Research on Social Issues

Application Guidelines

Requirements Summary

Item Description
Application Fee $80
Official Transcripts Yes
Letters of Recommendation 2
Statement of Purpose Yes
Resume Yes
Other Requirements English proficiency exam

Spring 2025
Priority Deadline – November 1, 2024
Final Deadline (International) – November 15, 2024
Final Deadline (Domestic) – December 1, 2024
Classes begin – January 21, 2025

Summer 2025
Priority Deadline – February 1, 2025
Final Deadline (International) – March 1, 2025
Final Deadline (Domestic) – April 1, 2025
Classes begin – May 19, 2025

Fall 2025
Priority Deadline – February 1, 2025
Final Deadline (International) – July 5, 2025
Final Deadline (Domestic) – August 1, 2025
Classes begin – August 25, 2025

Application Checklist

Cost & Aid

Program 48 units
Tuition per unit* $2,020

*Based on 2024-2025 tuition rates.


$245 Student Fee
$150 Technology Fee
International Student Services Fee*: $661 fall semester, $776 spring semester
**Applies to all international students (F-1 visa only) who are registered in coursework, doctoral study, or continuous registration. The fee is assessed each fall and spring semester for annual ISO accident and sickness plans and administrative fees. Subject to change.

For estimates of room & board, books, etc., please download CGU’s Cost of Attendance 2024-2025.

Review General Costs

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