A Message From the Dean

DeLacy Ganley profile image

DeLacy Ganley

Dean, School of Educational Studies
Professor of Education

The School of Education Studies (SES) is Claremont Graduate University’s oldest school and boasts a long list of impressive alumni. We are a knowledgeable, reflective, and active community of scholars and scholar-practitioners, all of whom share a commitment to social justice through education. Our training programs are nationally recognized. Our distinguished faculty work closely with students toward the goal of solving pressing challenges across the field of education as well as to develop effective and forward-thinking educators, scholars, and policy makers. The school offers master’s and doctoral degrees, teaching credential programs, and select professional development opportunities.

The students in our MA and PhD programs work with faculty to design individualized plans for coursework and research that will best prepare them for careers in education. Students typically adopt a program specialization that focuses on P–12 education, higher education, or educational policy and evaluation, although all of these specializations have at their heart interdisciplinary curricula and exposure to broad-based, hands-on approaches to educational theory, research, and practice. Meanwhile, our teacher credential program marries an MA degree with extensive in-classroom teaching experience. In other words, educational scholarship is enriched and informed by direct classroom experience, and vice versa. We seek to prepare great educators and to do so by providing students with the theoretical and research tools, support and supervision, and real-world experience needed for success. Upon program completion, the graduates do well in the marketplace; their advanced degree and extensive teaching experience give them a leg up in finding competitive teaching or administrative positions.

Across SES, we believe in big ideas and small classes. We seek to foster a close-knit and supportive environment that facilitates scholarly engagement, the exchange of ideas and cultural perspectives, and common interests in informing and improving education at all levels. Our talented students and faculty come to SES for its intellectually rigorous, collegial, and practically rooted programs. The diversity of our students, faculty, and staff complements the focus of our scholarship on a range of topics squarely at the center of the school’s mission—we “walk the walk.”

The SES alumni network spans virtually every sector of the educational enterprise. SES graduates work as professors and high-level administrators at universities and colleges across the country; as teachers, counselors, principals, and superintendents in public and private schools; in state and federal government positions as elected officials, legislative staffers, and research analysts; as researchers in think tanks and policy groups; and as educational entrepreneurs. The common bond among our exceptionally well-trained alumni: a commitment to equity and access in educational opportunities for all people.

At the School of Educational Studies, we believe that education can and does improve the world. As you prepare to act on your commitment to education and making a difference, we hope you’ll consider all that CGU has to offer. Please join us in promoting equity, excellence, and social justice in every area of education.


DeLacy Ganley
Dean, School of Educational Studies
Professor of Education

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