
The Institute for Mathematical Sciences (IMS) is home to renowned faculty conducting top-level research in their fields of study. IMS faculty provide students personalized attention and professional mentorship, collaborating with and guiding them through the graduate school experience.


Core and Associate Faculty
John Angus profile image

John Angus

Professor of Mathematics
Director, Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Yu Bai profile image

Yu Bai

Research Associate Professor

Marina Chugunova profile image

Marina Chugunova

Ellis Cumberbatch Professor of Mathematics
Program Director, PhD in Engineering & Computational Mathematics

Hrushikesh Mhaskar profile image

Hrushikesh Mhaskar

Research Professor of Mathematics

Ali Nadim profile image

Ali Nadim

Professor of Mathematics

Andrew Nguyen profile image

Andrew Nguyen

Adjunct Professor of Mathematics

Qidi Peng profile image

Qidi Peng

Research Associate Professor of Mathematics

Allon Percus profile image

Allon Percus

Joseph H. Pengilly Professor of Mathematics

Claudia Rangel-Escareño profile image

Claudia Rangel-Escareño

Adjunct Professor of Mathematics

Henry Schellhorn profile image

Henry Schellhorn

Professor of Mathematics
Academic Director, Financial Engineering Program


Adjunct Faculty

Robert O. Abad

Adjunct Faculty, Financial Engineering

Kenneth Abbott

Adjunct Faculty


Peter Bergevin

Adjunct Faculty, Financial Engineering



Extended Faculty – Claremont Colleges

Bahar Acu

Pitzer College

Research Interests

Geometric topology, differential geometry

Konrad Aguilar

Pomona College

Research Interests

Noncommutative/quantum metric geometry, functional analysis, operator algebras

Asuman G. Aksoy

Claremont McKenna College

Research Interests


David Bachman

Pitzer College

Research Interests

Low-dimensional topology

Arthur Benjamin

Harvey Mudd College

Research Interests

Combinatorics, game theory, operations research

Andrew Bernoff

Harvey Mudd College

Research Interests

Applied dynamical systems, fluid mechanics, self-similarity and scaling

Sarah Cannon

Claremont McKenna College

Research Interests

Randomized algorithms, Markov chains, stochastic processes, discrete geometry, statistical physics

Alfonso Castro

Harvey Mudd College

Research Interests

Partial differential equations, variational methods, inverse-function theorems, water waves (solitons)

Anie Chaderjian

Scripps College

Research Interests


Gabriel Chandler

Pomona College

Research Interests


Lisette G. de Pillis

Harvey Mudd College

Research Interests

Computational fluid dynamics, numerical linear algebra, mathematical biology

Vin de Silva

Pomona College

Research Interests

Computational topology, manifold learning

Christina Edholm

Scripps College

Research Interests

Mathematical biology, epidemiological modeling

Lenny Fukshansky

Claremont McKenna College

Research Interests

Number theory, discrete geometry

Stephan Garcia

Pomona College

Research Interests

Complex symmetric operators, operator theory, complex function theory

Edray Goins

Pomona College

Research Interests

Algebraic geometry, number theory, representation theory

Weiqing Gu

Harvey Mudd College

Research Interests

Differential geometry, Grassman manifolds

Jamie Haddock

Harvey Mudd College

Research Interests

Mathematical data science, optimization, applied convex geometry

Johanna Hardin

Pomona College

Research Interests

Model-based clustering, outlier detection, robust clustering, analysis of microarray data

Mark Huber

Claremont McKenna College

Research Interests

Computational probability

Mike Izbicki

Claremont McKenna College

Research Interests

Machine learning, high-dimensional probability, computational geometry

Jon Jacobsen

Harvey Mudd College

Research Interests

Nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations, fluid dynamics

Chiu-Yen Kao

Claremont McKenna College

Research Interests

Numerical analysis and scientific computing

Gizem Karaali

Pomona College

Research Interests

Lie & Hopf algebras, quantum groups, Poisson-Lie structures, combinatorial representation theory

Dagan Karp

Harvey Mudd College

Research Interests

Algebraic geometry

Adam Landsberg

Joint Science

Research Interests

Scientific modeling of complex systems

Ran Libeskind-Hadas

Claremont McKenna College

Research Interests

Computational biology, cophylogenetics, design and analysis of algorithms

Haydee Lindo

Harvey Mudd College

Research Interests

Commutative algebra, homological algebra, representation theory

Jemma Lorenat

Pitzer College

Research Interests

History of mathematics, geometry

Susan Martonosi

Harvey Mudd College

Research Interests

Operations research, applied probability, aviation security

John Milton

Joint Science

Research Interests

Computational neuroscience

Sam Nelson

Claremont McKenna College

Research Interests

Algebraic topology, knot theory

Mohamed Omar

Harvey Mudd College

Research Interests

Combinatorial optimization, graph theory, algebraic geometry

Mike O’Neill

Claremont McKenna College

Research Interests

Complex analysis and harmonic analysis

Michael Orrison

Harvey Mudd College

Research Interests

Harmonic analysis on finite groups, algebraic voting theory

Winston Ou

Scripps College

Research Interests

Harmonic analysis

Jeho Park

Claremont McKenna College

Research Interests

High-performance computing, data science

Ami Radunskaya

Pomona College

Research Interests

Dynamical Systems, stochastic processes, applications of dynamical systems to instrument modeling, sound generation, and interactive composition

Animesh Ray

Keck Graduate Institute

Research Interests

Genomics, computational and systems biology

Adolfo Rumbos

Pomona College

Research Interests

Nonlinear analysis, differential equations

Ghassan Sarkis

Pomona College

Research Interests

Number theory and commutative algebra, p-adic formal group

Shahriar Shahriari

Pomona College

Research Interests

Combinatorics, representation theory of finite groups

James Sterling

Keck Graduate Institute

Research Interests

Bioengineering, microfluidics

Francis Su

Harvey Mudd College

Research Interests

Geometric and topological combinatorics, game theory, mathematical economics

Chris Towse

Scripps College

Research Interests

Arithmetic geometry, algebraic number theory, combinatorics

Talithia Williams

Harvey Mudd College

Research Interests

Spatial-temporal modeling of rainfall data

Helen Wong

Claremont McKenna College

Research Interests

Low-dimensional topology, applications to molecular biology, data analysis, and quantum computation

Darryl Yong

Harvey Mudd College

Research Interests

Mathematics education, applied mathematics, perturbation theory, partial differential equations

Heather Zinn Brooks

Harvey Mudd College

Research Interests

Applied mathematics, mathematical modeling, complex systems, nonlinear dynamics, network theory, social systems, mathematical biology

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