Goal 1

Enhance Student Success through strong academic programs, expanded pedagogies, and meaningful learning outcomes and supportive processes and services that proactively address student needs.

Long-Term Objectives:

Goal 2

Expand Impact, Quality, and Visibility through research, scholarship, innovation, and creative work.

Long-Term Objectives:

Goal 3

Engage the Global Community with integrity to make the university more connected, responsive, and impactful.

Long-Term Objectives:

Goal 4

Foster an Academic Community of Inclusive Excellence.

Long-Term Objectives:

Goal 5

Build a Sustainable Learning Organization that is fiscally responsible in its commitment and delivery of lifelong learning, and that has a meaningful, lasting impact on the lives of students and employees, as well as the professions and global communities served.

Long-Term Objectives:

Goal 6

Implement a Bold Advancement Agenda that supports student success and access and enhances research and scholarly work through effective outreach that reinforces CGU’s institutional brand.

Long-Term Objectives:


The strategic plan was approved by the CGU Board of Trustees on March 8, 2020.