
Public Health (MPH)

Online Program

The Master of Public Health (MPH) program educates students and health professionals in the application of health promotion and disease prevention technologies and interventions to improve and enhance quality of life.

Through an innovative, experiential, and interdisciplinary approach to public health education, MPH students gain a solid foundation in the core areas of public health knowledge while developing expertise in a specific area of practice. You will bring theory and practice to life in real-world settings through our program’s required internship, assessing the unique public health challenges posed by transitioning local communities in Southern California’s Inland Empire. This experience will guide your research, service, and education. Alongside expert faculty, you will collaborate with communities, tribes, and public and private sectors on solutions to major health challenges, expanding their capacities to respond to rapidly evolving public health problems and developing your own leadership potential. You will gain knowledge of emerging trends in global health care and hone skills that prepare you for a wide array of positions in public health, including data management, environmental health, health education, and research.

The Master of Public Health degree is the most widely recognized professional credential for leadership in public health.

Program Highlights
  • Fully online courses utilize the latest technology to enrich the learning experience and enhance your presentation skills. This includes multimedia lectures and interactive demonstrations.
  • Our program features a critical internship component that gives you structured and supervised field experience with a county, state, federal, or community-based public health agency.
  • Fully online courses utilize the latest technology to enrich the learning experience and enhance your presentation skills. This includes multimedia lectures and interactive demonstrations.
  • Choose from of one of three concentrations: Applied Biostatistics & Epidemiology; Health Promotion, Education & Evaluation; or Leadership & Management.
  • The SCGH Student Association provides opportunities for leadership and impact through intellectual, social, and cultural contributions that meet the needs of MPH students through community service, dialogue, and special events.
  • You can pursue the Master of Public Health (MPH) in conjunction with another degree program, such as a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and a Masters in Applied Psychology (MA). You earn a diploma for each degree, and with sharing across programs decreases your required total units.

Program At-a-glance

  • 44 units

    required units

  • Master of Public Health (MPH)

    degree awarded

  • Online


  • Spring, Fall

    program start

  • 2 years | full time*

    estimated completion time

Areas of Concentration

  • Applied Biostatistics & Epidemiology

    Conduct research on the incidence and prevalence of diseases and examine the determinants of health and disease in local, national, and international communities.

  • Health Promotion, Education & Evaluation

    Study how behaviors within environmental contexts, operating at individual, organizational, community, and societal levels, affect health and well-being.

  • Leadership & Management

    Gain an understanding of leadership skills and be able to apply public health principles to health problems in local and international settings.

Where You Can Find Our Alumni


  • Portrait of Jessica DeHart

    Jessica Clague DeHart

    Associate Professor of Community and Global Health

    Research Interests

    Epidemiology, chronic disease, cancer etiology, cancer survivorship, molecular and genetic epidemiology, lifestyle intervention trials, exercise, nutrition, quality of life, community-based interventions

  • Stewart Donaldson

    Stewart I. Donaldson

    Distinguished University Professor
    Executive Director, Claremont Evaluation Center
    Executive Director, The Evaluators' Institute (TEI)

    Research Interests

    Positive Organizational Psychology, Health/Well-Being & Positive Functioning Across Cultures, Program Design & Re-Design, Culturally Responsive Theory-Driven Measurement & Evaluation

  • Jamie Felicitas Perkins

    Jamie Felicitas-Perkins

    Assistant Professor of Practice of Community and Global Health,
    Director of the Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) program

    Research Interests

    Determinants of health among racially/ethnically diverse, underserved, and underrepresented populations; health disparities among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders; cancer disparities and contributing factors; cancer prevention; tobacco control and prevention; tobacco-related disparities; and community-based participatory research

  • Bree Hemingway

    Bree Hemingway

    Assistant Clinical Professor of Community and Global Health,
    Associate Director of the Master of Public Health (MPH) program,
    Co-director of the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO)/MPH dual program

    Research Interests

    Program evaluation, health disparities, and public health workforce development

  • Portrait of C Anderson Johnson

    C. Anderson Johnson

    Founding Dean, School of Community & Global Health

    Research Interests

    Transnational prevention of tobacco, alcohol, and drug abuse, HIV-AIDS, and obesity; Community-based substance abuse prevention; Social and environmental influences on health; Community and mass media approaches to health

  • Portrait of Rachaline Napier

    Rachaline Napier

    Clinical Associate Professor of Community and Global Health

    Research Interests

    Global Health, Epidemiology

  • Paula Palmer

    Paula Healani Palmer

    Professor of Community and Global Health
    Director of the PhD in Health Promotion Sciences program

    Research Interests

    Determinants of health among ethnically diverse populations; Community-based participatory research among under-served, underrepresented populations; Health of Pacific Islanders and South Asians; Technology applications for health behavior interventions; Tobacco control, mental health, disaster management, health of migrants and indigenous peoples; Maternal and child health

  • Portrait of Darleen Peterson

    Darleen V. Peterson

    Professor of Practice, Community and Global Health
    Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
    Director of the Certificate and Master of Public Health (MPH) programs

    Research Interests

    Evaluation of Health Communication Campaigns, Effects of Pro- and Anti-Tobacco and Alcohol Marketing; Public Health Education Accreditation

  • Kim Reynolds

    Kim D. Reynolds


    Research Interests

    Nutrition and physical activity, Health promotion and disease prevention, Diabetes and obesity

  • Yusuke Shono

    Yusuke Shono

    Assistant Professor of Community and Global Health

    Research Interests

    Application of theories and models of cognitive processes; Implicit cognition and health behavior; Cognitive screening and assessment; Measurement of health disparities and inequity; Measurement and validation in cognitive, behavioral, and health outcome assessment

  • Portrait of Alan Stacy

    Alan Stacy

    Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs

    Research Interests

    Application of theories and methods of human memory; Cognitive neuroscience and social cognition to health behavior: etiology, prevention, and media effects; Translation of basic research to field research, high-risk populations, and prevention; Validation issues in assessment

  • Portrait of Bin Xie

    Bin Xie

    Professor of Community and Global Health
    Director of the Applied Biostatistics (MS) program

    Research Interests

    Obesity prevention; Tobacco control; Diet, physical activity, body image in adolescents; Psychological adjustment to obesity; Diabetes and cancer; Application of statistical analysis in prevention research


Core Courses
Theoretical Foundations in Health Education & Promotion
Health Services in the US and Abroad
Environmental & Occupational Health
Seminar in Grant Writing & Proposal Development
Foundations of Global Health: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Supervised Field Training in Public Health
Public Health Capstone

Concentration Specific Courses
Foundations of Program Planning
Monitoring & Evaluation of Global Public Health Programs
Curriculum & Materials Development
Campaigning & Community Organizing for Public Health
Data Analysis (SAS)
Research Methods in Public Health
Emerging Chronic & Infectious Diseases Worldwide
Applied Geospatial Epidemiology
Public Health Leadership for the 21st Century
Ethics, Human Rights & Cultural Diversity
Management of International Health Programs & Organizations
Health Advocacy

The Community Translational Research Institute (CTRI)

The Community Translational Research Institute (CTRI) was created in 2014 by Claremont Graduate University faculty and local government and healthcare leaders to link community-based healthcare, social service, and governmental organizations with local colleges and universities to develop and assess novel approaches to disease prevention and health promotion at the community level. Programs include diabetes and other chronic disease prevention, mitigation of risk for social and emotional dysfunction, adverse childhood events and other adversities as upstream determinants of poor health and addressing the causes of health inequities. CGU students from public health, psychology, evaluation collaborate with social work, clinical psychology, medical, and nursing students from over ten area universities in community settings. Opportunities available for students include formal coursework, internships/practica, assistantships, and doctoral dissertations.

Networking Opportunities

With more than 80 chapters throughout the world, the Delta Epsilon chapter of the Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health at CGU opens numerous academic and professional opportunities for SCGH students, including:

  • Electing students, faculty, alumni, and honorary members based on high academic standards and outstanding performance in scholarship, teaching, research, and community service.
  • Connecting students to a vast networking pool of 15,000 members from the top echelons of graduate schools, programs of public health, and the public health community.
  • Opening doors for faculty and students to network and positively impact public health initiatives in the Southern California region.
  • Boosting students’ transition from academic life to professional life.

Application Guidelines

University Requirements
Application Fee

$135 (fee is non-refundable)

Official Transcripts
English Proficiency Exam

Applicants must submit an up-to-date copy of their resume.

Program Requirements
Statement of Purpose

Please submit a 2-3 page statement of purpose that details your academic and/or professional achievements, your specific areas of research interest within your desired field of study, why you are a strong candidate for graduate studies at CGU, and your career goals.

Letter of Recommendation
Standardized Test Scores

Key Dates & Deadlines

CGU operates on a priority deadline cycle. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit complete applications by the priority dates in order to assure maximum consideration for both admission and fellowships.

Once the priority deadlines have passed, the University will continue to review applications for qualified candidates on a competitive, space-available basis. The final deadlines listed are the last date the University can accept an application in order to allow sufficient time to complete the admissions, financial aid, and other enrollment processes.

Spring 2025
Priority Deadline – November 1, 2024
Final Deadline (International) – November 15, 2024
Final Deadline (Domestic) – December 1, 2024
Classes begin – January 21, 2025

Fall 2025
Priority Deadline – February 1, 2025
Final Deadline (International) – July 5, 2025
Final Deadline (Domestic) – August 1, 2025
Classes begin – August 25, 2025

SOPHAS Application

Applicants to the Master of Public Health and Doctorate in Public Health programs in the School of Community and Global Health should apply using the SOPHAS application. SOPHAS is a service of the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health, which represents the CEPH-accredited schools and programs of public health. You will not be required to submit an additional application to CGU directly; submission through the SOPHAS portal is all that is required.

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Cost & Aid

Program 44 units (students can transfer up to 6 units)
Tuition per unit* $2,020

*Based on 2024-2025 tuition rates.


$245 Student Fee
$150 Technology Fee
International Student Services Fee*: $661 fall semester, $776 spring semester
**Applies to all international students (F-1 visa only) who are registered in coursework, doctoral study, or continuous registration. The fee is assessed each fall and spring semester for annual ISO accident and sickness plans and administrative fees. Subject to change.

For estimates of room & board, books, etc., please download CGU’s Cost of Attendance 2024-2025.

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