Division of Politics & Economics

Welcome to the Division of Politics and Economics!

Because of our joining of experts in Economic Science, International Studies, Political Science, and Public Policy, this is an intellectually lively place where you can learn tools and techniques that help you understand and influence the political and economic parts of our world. Take advantage of the many opportunities we offer for you to learn from us, from each other, and from students in other disciplines all over campus. Attend the Tuesday Talks to hear about cutting-edge research, attend Professional Development Workshops to learn about professional quirks of your fields, talk to the other interesting and goal-driven students in class, talk to the DPE faculty, and there are so many more opportunities. May this time of your life be one of growth and excitement.

Heather E. Campbell profile image

Heather E. Campbell

Thornton F. Bradshaw Professor of Public Policy
Director, Division of Politics & Economics


Economic Sciences

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Politics & Policy

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Department of Economic Sciences – Core Faculty
Graham Bird profile image

Graham Bird

Clinical Professor of Economic Sciences
Program Director: International Money and Finance; International Economics and Development Policy
Co-Director: Claremont Institute for Economic Policy Studies

Research Interests

International Finance, International Macroeconomics, Economic Development

C. Mónica Capra profile image

C. Mónica Capra

Professor of Economic Sciences

Research Interests

Experimental Economics, Behavioral Economics, Neuroeconomics

Gregory DeAngelo profile image

Gregory DeAngelo

Associate Professor of Economic Sciences
Director, Computational Justice Lab

Research Interests

Criminal Justice, Law, Applied Econometrics

Robert Klitgaard profile image

Robert Klitgaard

University Professor

Research Interests

Public Policy, Economic Strategy, Institutional Reform, Corruption

Tom Kniesner profile image

Tom Kniesner

Senior Research Fellow

Research Interests

Labor Economics, Health Economics, Econometrics

Joshua Tasoff profile image

Joshua Tasoff

Associate Professor of Economic Sciences

Research Interests

Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics, Animal Welfare Economics

Thomas Willett profile image

Thomas Willett

Professor Emeritus
Director, Claremont Institute for Economic Studies

Research Interests

International Money and Finance, International Political Economy and Economic Policy


Department of Politics & Policy – Core Faculty
Mark Abdollahian profile image

Mark Abdollahian

Full Clinical Professor

Research Interests

Strategic Decision Making, International Political Economy, Sustainable Development

Carlos Algara profile image

Carlos Algara

Mary Toepelt Nicolai and George S. Blair Assistant Professor

Research Interests

American politics, the United States Congress, ideological representation, electoral politics, elite institutions

Heather E. Campbell profile image

Heather E. Campbell

Thornton F. Bradshaw Professor of Public Policy
Director, Division of Politics & Economics

Research Interests

Public Policy, Urban Environmental Policy, Environmental Justice

Yi Feng profile image

Yi Feng

Luther Lee Jr. Memorial Chair Professor

Research Interests

International Political Economy, International Relations, Political Economy of China and Latin America, Quantitative Methodology

Robert Klitgaard profile image

Robert Klitgaard

University Professor

Research Interests

Public Policy, Economic Strategy, Institutional Reform, Corruption

Jacek Kugler profile image

Jacek Kugler

Elisabeth Helm Rosecrans Professor of International Relations

Research Interests

Causes and Consequences of War, Political Performance, Power Transition

Tanu Kumar profile image

Tanu Kumar

Assistant Professor

Research Interests

Development, political behavior, urban politics, digital technology

Tyler Reny profile image

Tyler Reny

Assistant Professor

Research Interests

American Politics, Racial and Ethnic Politics, Political Behavior, Public Opinion, Political Psychology, Data Visualization

Javier Rodríguez profile image

Javier Rodríguez

Associate Professor
Field Chair for Policy

Research Interests

Public & Health Policy, Social Inequality, Quantitative Methods for Social Science Research

Melissa Rogers profile image

Melissa Rogers

Associate Professor, Politics & Policy
Co-Director, Inequality and Policy Research Center
Field Chair, Comparative Politics
Field Chair, American Politics

Research Interests

Comparative Politics, Political Economy, Economic Inequality

Jean Reith Schroedel profile image

Jean Reith Schroedel

Professor Emerita of Political Science
Former Thornton F. Bradshaw Professor of Public Policy

Research Interests

Native American voting rights, American political development, women and politics, religion and politics, and congressional policy-making

Sallama Shaker profile image

Sallama Shaker

Senior Fellow of Middle East & International Studies

Research Interests

Power Politics, Religion, and Culture in the Middle East; Feminization of Poverty and Global Challenges; Globalization

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