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EmPOWER Center Weekly Support Group for 7C Survivors of Sexual Assault & Dating/Domestic Violence

This EmPOWER Center virtual support group is designed for students who have experienced sexual assault/abuse, dating violence, or domestic violence, recently or long ago. The group will provide survivors with a confidential space to receive support while they explore their feelings and work through the healing process. No registration needed. Drop-in on Zoom for one or more sessions. The group is facilitated by Briana Bedran, Associate MFT with the Lavender Healing Collective. Open to 7C students of all gender identities. Tuesdays from 4:30 to 6pm, Oct. 8th to Dec. 3rd (except Oct. 15th).

Zoom meeting ID: 889 2040 9962
Passcode: 5678
FMI: peacethroughprocess@gmail.com

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