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School of Educational Studies Magic Monday Series: Framing the Diversity Imperative

Join the School of Educational Studies for Magic Monday—a monthly event dedicated to fellowship and enrichment with current students, faculty and alumni.

This Month’s Highlight: Professor Daryl G. Smith will present “Framing the Diversity Imperative: The Threats and Opportunities for Moving Forward” and unveil the 4th edition of Diversity’s Promise for Higher Education: Making It Work. Dive into the latest insights on diversity in higher education, explore research developments, and discuss strategies for fostering equitable transformation within our institutions.

Don’t miss this impactful lecture! Please register below.

Magic Monday Schedule:
4:00–5:00 PM (optional): School of Educational Studies Office Hours
To meet a specific faculty member, please email the Director of Admissions for the School of Educational Studies, Frank Frias at frank.frias@cgu.edu.
5:00–5:45 PM: Fellowship and light refreshments
6:00–6:50 PM: Enrichment activity (workshop or lecture)

To submit an event, please use the event submission form. NOTE: Non-CGU event submissions will be deleted.