Dissertation title: " Enhancement of mechanical, structural, and electrical properties in advanced composites and vat photopolymerized 3D printing nanocomposites" Zoom link: https://csulb.zoom.us/j/8485105963
Authors @ Drucker is a monthly interview series that covers topics like business succession, innovation, conflict management, and generational dynamics. In this session, we will hear from family business consultants […]
Dissertation title: " Three Essays on Behavioral Economics: Bribery Solicitation, Pity System and Information Avoidance" Zoom link: https://cgu.zoom.us/j/83855439213
Dissertation title: " Re-evaluating the Effects of Ban the Box Policies on Minority Employment in United States, Semi-Automatic Indexing Tagging of CMES Medical Educational Documents, The Effect of Wage Transparency […]
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