Self to Society: Drucker Day Traces the ‘Leadership Arc’

In this complex world of global organizations, it might seem ironic that success begins with a contemplative mind. Yet, mindfulness has emerged as a linchpin in a spectrum of critical management practices.
The role of mindfulness and connections to leadership and social impact serves as a central theme of Drucker Day 2016, held November 5, under the auspices of the Drucker School at Claremont Graduate University.
Opening remarks will be given by Howard Behar, former president of Starbucks Coffee International, on the critical relationship existing between mindfulness and management practice.
Behar’s keynote remarks will kick off a day of public conversations devoted to “The Leadership Arc: Managing Self to Society.” This year’s slate of speakers will share their insights into management and the spectrum of the leadership experience—from the micro-level of individuals to the macro-level of companies, organizations, and their impact on society at large.
“A core Drucker idea is that you can’t manage other people unless you manage yourself first,” explains Jeremy Hunter, a member of the Drucker School faculty and Founding Director of the Executive Mind Leadership Institute. Hunter will introduce Behar, who is the best-selling author of It’s Not About the Coffee: Lessons on Putting People First from a Life at Starbucks.
Other Drucker Day speakers will include: Partners Federal Credit Union President and CEO John Janclaes, Global Category Leader Bridgette Bell of Pizza Hut International, Virgil Roberts of Bobbitt and Roberts, and several members of the Drucker School faculty.
More than 300 people are expected to attend this year’s Drucker Day; Drucker School Dean Tom Horan says the event serves as a strong reminder of the abiding lessons of the man who is widely considered the father of modern management.
“Peter Drucker’s concepts resonate so strongly in our contemporary moment,” explains Horan. “For this year’s Drucker Day, we’ve gathered speakers who can address his vision of management as a human enterprise—a liberal art– and with that special kind of socially responsive leadership. We want attendees to understand not only that Drucker’s concepts are timeless, they are extremely relevant to where our society is now.”
Drucker Day 2016
Leadership Arc: Managing Self to Society
November 5 • 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Garrison Theater
231 E. 10th Street
Claremont, CA 91711