Who Are the Top 2%? A Report on the World’s Most-Cited Scientists Includes CGU Faculty

How often does a scholar’s scientific work get cited by other scholars? Whose work gets cited the most?
That’s what a group of researchers at Stanford University wanted to find out. They created a database of the top 2 percent of the most-cited scientists in various scientific disciplines. The results were published recently in the journal PLOS Biology.
Ten CGU scholars are among those who made the cut for this auspicious group. The lion’s share are from the university’s Division of Behavioral & Organizational Sciences: Andrew Conway, William Crano, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Michael Hogg, Stuart Oskamp, and Kathy Pezdek.
CGU has a very productive group of scholars: Stanford’s new report confirms that.
CGU’s other scholars on the list are Hrushikesh Mhaskar from the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Alan Stacy from the School of Community & Global Health, Paul Zak from the Division of Politics & Economics, and the late Magid Igbaria, who had been a member of the precursor to the Center for Information Systems & Technology, the School of Information Science.
How was the list compiled? The database determined scientists based on several factors, including standardized citations, H-Index, co-authorship, and a composite indicator. Learn more about the database and list here.
CGU: Where Cutting-Edge Research Happens
Every few years, the Stanford team accumulates the names of researchers who are among the top two percent of all scientists in terms of citations received across all fields of science.
According to two-percenter William Crano, current and prospective students should take note of reports like this one, which underscore CGU’s reputation as the home of many active scholars.
“CGU has a very productive group of scholars, and it’s good to see this confirmed by the Stanford report. I’m also pleased to see my work reflected on that list,” he said. “This is an aspect of the CGU academic experience that’s important for our students to understand. They are working, and often co-authoring, with very prolific researchers whose work is being used by many other scholars in the field.”
Considering the amount of research and publishing taking place across the university’s seven schools, divisions, and centers, no doubt more CGU names will appear in that database in the years ahead.