Feldman named ‘Changemaker’ for Her Impact on the Healthcare Industry

For her work in the space occupied by technology, public health, and education, Sue Feldman (MA, ’07; PhD, ’11, Education, and Information Systems & Technology) has been named as a recipient of a Changemaker in Health Award from the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society.
Feldman is one of just 11 people worldwide selected for the award, which acknowledges the work of individuals seeking to improve health outcomes for patients by identifying the best uses of information and technology within communities. The society is a global non-profit aimed at supporting advances in the health ecosystem through information and technology—areas that Feldman focused on along with education during her time at CGU.
An associate professor in the School of Health Professions at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, she serves as a senior scientist in the university’s School of Medicine Informatics Institute and director of graduate programs in Health Informatics, a field in which computational techniques are commonly used to solve a variety of challenges in the health domain.
Her recent work on the pandemic serves as an ideal example of the health informatics field: Feldman led a team of researchers at her university to create an online symptom tracker for identifying potential coronavirus hot spots in the rural Deep South and providing public health officials with data as new cases emerge.
Feldman’s efforts with the symptom tracker—also known as the “Map It, Zap It” tracker—were recently profiled in a story as part of the CGU Heroes series. Read more.
Feldman’s work will be recognized during the society’s upcoming global conference held in Las Vegas in August. HIMSS brings together a wide variety of expertise in health innovation, public policy, workforce development, research and analytics to advise global leaders, stakeholders, and influencers on best practices in health information and technology.
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