Join CGU for a Summer of Free Movies and Concerts

CGU is gearing up for a summer full of fun and excitement at Claremont Movies and Monday Night Concerts in the Park! As sponsors of these beloved town events, we’re thrilled to connect with the community while providing information about CGU.
Bring the whole family for a movie night or enjoy one of the many great live shows. Don’t forget to stop by the CGU booth to say hello, grab some swag, play lawn games, and enter our giveaways. Let’s make this summer unforgettable together!
Here’s the schedule for the CGU-sponsored events:
The Super Mario Bros. Movie
Thursday, July 11 at 7:00 pm | Lewis Park
The Silverados (Country Rock)
Monday, July 15 at 6:00 pm | Memorial Park
The Smokin’ Cobras (Oldies)
Monday, July 29 at 6:00 pm | Memorial Park
The Answer (Classic Rock)
Monday, August 26 at 6:00 pm | Memorial Park
Visit the City of Claremont website for more information about other upcoming events.
We look forward to seeing you there!