Gary Gaukler’s academic interests center around quantitative analytics methods applied to operations. He is particularly interested in the impact of automatic identification and sensor technologies such as RFID on supply chain and logistics operations.
Prior to joining the Drucker School, he was a faculty member in the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, as well as in the Department of Information & Operations Management, both at Texas A&M University. He is published in academic and business-oriented journals on the topics of RFID technology, retail operations, inventory control, logistics and supply chain visibility, emergency preparedness, and homeland security.
Gaukler is active in consulting for industry in the areas of RFID, operations management, and supply chain management. His clients have included UPS, Hewlett-Packard, Applied Materials, and Volkswagen. He has also served as expert witness in patent infringement and class-action lawsuits. Recently, Gaukler served as the systems analysis team lead for a $7.5 million multidisciplinary research project funded jointly by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Homeland Security.
Co-authored with Chokdee Kanathanavanich: “Quantifying the Benefits and Costs of Grocery Click-and- Collect Service,” accepted for Proceedings of Western Decision Sciences Institute (WDSI) Annual Meeting, April 2022.
Co-authored with Chokdee Siawsolit. “Offsetting Omnichannel Grocery Fulfillment Cost Through Advance Ordering of Perishables,” International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 239, September 2021.
Co-authored with Chokdee Siawsolit. “The Value of Demand Information in Omni-Channel Grocery Retailing,” Conference Proceedings, Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-52), January 2019.
Co-authored with Yashwanth Namireddy: “The Impact of Equipment Misplacement on Patient Service Levels in Hospitals,” Proceedings of Western Decision Sciences Institute (WDSI) Annual Meeting, April 2018.
Co-authored with Michael Ketzenberg, and Victoria Salin. “Expiration Dates and Order Quantities for Perishables,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 266, Issue 2, April 2018.
Co-authored with Chokdee Siawsolit, and Sarun Seepun. “RFID-Enabled Management of Highly-Perishable Inventory: A Markov Decision Process Approach for Grocery Retailers,” Conference Proceedings, Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-51), January 2018.
Co-authored with Michael Ketzenberg, and Victoria Salin. “Establishing Dynamic Expiration Dates for Perishables: An Application of RFID and Sensor Technology,” International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 193, November 2017.