Kathy Pezdek is a professor in Claremont Graduate University’s Department of Psychology. Her extensive research has explored numerous aspects of applied cognitive psychology, primarily topics related to law and psychology that apply to both adults and children. These topics include eyewitness memory, the suggestibility of memory, lineup techniques, and autobiographical memory. Her teaching interests include applied cognitive psychology, law and psychology, memory and cognition, statistics, and research design and methodology.
Pezdek received her MA and PhD in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Pezdek is an elected Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science (APS) and the Psychonomic Society, and she has served as the North American editor of Applied Cognitive Psychology. She has also served on the editorial boards for the Journal of Applied Psychology (2002–2009); Journal of Applied Research in Memory & Cognition (2011–present); Legal and Criminological Psychology (2005–present); Journal of Trauma & Dissociation (2014–present); Applied Cognitive Psychology (1993–2011); and Child Development (1984–1985, 1987–1991).
Pezdek is a cognitive psychologist specializing in the study of memory, specifically eyewitness memory. She has an impressive record of published research on this topic, regularly publishing with her graduate students. She frequently serves as an expert witness in the area of eyewitness memory and identification and has testified on this topic in federal, state, and superior court cases.
Pezdek, K., Shapland, T., & Barragan, J. (2024): Perceptions of officer-involved shootings by police officers versus civilians, Psychology, Crime & Law, DOI: 10.1080/1068316X.2024.2319313
Pezdek, K. & Lerer, T. (2023). The new reality: Non-eyewitness identifications in a surveillance world. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/09637214231182582
Pezdek, K., & Lerer, T. (2023). Let’s go to the tape: Science-based standards for non-eyewitness identifications in a surveillance world. Criminal Law Bulletin. 59(1), 1-59.
Pezdek, K., Shapland, T., & Barragan, J. (2022). Memory outcomes of police officers viewing their body-worn camera video. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 11(3), 392–404. https://doi.org/10.1037/mac0000013
Pezdek, K. (2022). Psychological research on the use of Body-Worn Cameras. In M. K. Miller & B. H. Bornstein (Eds.), Advances in psychology and law, Vol. 6. (pp. 39 – 62). Springer.
Pezdek, K., & Reisberg, D. (2022). Psychological myths about evidence in the legal system: How should scientists respond? Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 11(2), 143-156. https://doi.org/10.1037/mac0000037
Pezdek, K., Abed E., and Reisberg, D. (2020). Marijuana impairs the accuracy of eyewitness memory and the confidence-accuracy relationship too. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. doi: 10.1016/j.jarmac.2019.11.005
Intermediate Stats
Applied Cognitive Psychology
Law & Psychology
Research Practicum: Applied Memory