Kim D. Reynolds is a professor in Claremont Graduate University’s School of Community & Global Health. He has extensive experience in the development, implementation, and evaluation of school- and community-based interventions, focusing on nutrition and physical activity. He is strongly interested in the theory underlying successful health communications and in using this theory to develop health promotion and disease prevention programs.
Reynolds received both MA and PhD from Arizona State University. Since then, he has served in various research roles in both academic and professional fields. He serves as principal investigator on an intervention study developing and pilot testing an obesity prevention program designed for delivery to families through managed care organizations. He is also addressing the issue of built and social determinants of physical activity through a study of urban trail use.
Additionally, he is principal investigator on an NIDDK-funded study of married couples when one partner has type 2 diabetes and the other does not. In this study, behavioral intervention will be conducted to modify diet and physical activity leading to improved diabetes self-management in the spouse with diabetes and prevention in the spouse without.
Reynolds also serves as an investigator on the NIDDK-funded Studies to Treat or Prevent Pediatric Type 2 Diabetes. In this large, multi-site school-based trial, middle school children will receive intervention on diet and physical activity involving strategies delivered through physical education classes, food service and homeroom classrooms and more broadly through a social marketing intervention.
Reynolds KD, Buller DB, Yaroch AL, Maloy J., and Cutter G. Mediation of a school based skin cancer prevention program. Health Psychology 25(5):616-625, 2006.
Reynolds KD, Wolch J., Byrne J., Chou CP, Feng G., Weaver S., and Jerrett M. Trail Characteristics as Correlates of Urban Trail Use. American Journal of Health Promotion 21(4):335-345, 2007.
Andreeva VA, Unger JB, Yaroch AL, Cockburn MG, Baezconde-Garbanati L., and Reynolds KD. Language acculturation and sun-safe practices among Latinos. American Journal of Public Health 99(4);734-741, 2009.
Buller DB, Reynolds KD, Ashley JL, Buller MK, Kane IL, Stabell CL, Massie KL, Liu X., and Cutter GR. Motivating Public School Districts to Adopt Sun Protection Policies: A Randomized Controlled Trial. American Journal of Prevention Medicine 41(3):309-316, 2011
Reynolds KD, Dahmann N., Wolch J., Joassart-Marcelli P., Dunton G., Rudulph D., Newell J., Thayer J., and Jerrett M. Factors predicting the capacity of Los Angeles city-region recreation programs to promote energy expenditure. Health & Place 28C: 67-72, 2014.
Czajkowski SM, Powell LH, Adler N., Naar-King S., Reynolds KD, Hunter C., Laraia B., Olster D., Perna F., Peterson J., Epel E., Boyington J., and Charlson M. The ORBIT model for developing behavioral treatments to prevent or manage chronic diseases: A framework for translating ideas into interventions. Health Psychology 34(10):971-982, 2015.
Ames SL, Wurpts IC, Pike J., MacKinnon DP, Reynolds KD, and Stacy AW. Self-regulation Interventions for the Reduction of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages in Adolescents. Appetite (in press).
Reynolds KD, Quinn VQ, Xiang A., Garrett K., Koprowski C., Massie K., Ghai N., Takayanagi M., Blanco L., Rossetti S., and Jerrett M. Preventing childhood obesity through family intervention: Results of Obesity Prevention Tailored for Health (in review).