Artwork titled Eclipse

Michelle Emami obtained her BFA in Painting and Drawing at California State University, Fullerton in the Spring of 2020. She is currently developing her artistic practice while attending Claremont Graduate University where she will obtain an MFA in the Spring of 2022. She has dappled in a variety of fields such as sculpture, glass work, jewelry, and ceramics. During the duration of her undergraduate years, she has also been an Assistant Teacher for an after-school program called Studio Pillars. She has learned to communicate and train other fellow young minds into pursuing the Fine Arts. This has led to want to obtain a teaching certificate in order pursue a passion at becoming a professor while also showcasing her artwork.

Artist Statement

The content behind my artistic practice stems from my own cultural background by bringing awareness to biracial identity within the United States through the use of vibrant colors, patterns, and nostalgic imagery. My Mexican and Iranian cultures are what fuel my artistic practice and have allowed me to see the similarities versus trying to establish how they are different from one another. My artistic content is based on trying to morph these diverse cultures together by creating this idea of a warped reality as an attempt to break down my own identity. I want to focus on the positivity behind my cultural backgrounds versus fixate on the negative stereotypical ideas that are usually associated with them. The constant need to fully represent both cultures while also addressing the hateful and degrading comments about not being a true American is the reason why I focus my art practice on the beauty rather than the hatred.

Artwork by Michelle Emami


Art Department